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星際異攻隊‧悟空傳‧神力女超人‧神鬼奇航 死無對證‧神鬼傳奇‧同盟鶼鰈‧刺客教條‧鋼鐵英雄‧奇異博士‧屍速列車‧神鬼獵人‧動物方城市‧死侍‧ID4星際重生 ‧蟻人‧侏羅紀世界‧大賣空‧美國隊長3‧做我的奴隸‧絕命救援‧全面攻佔2‧金牌拳手‧神鬼認證4‧吹夢巨人‧史帝夫賈伯斯‧攔截記憶碼‧翻轉幸福‧野蠻正義‧鋼鐵麥斯‧終極救援‧鐵達尼號‧飢餓遊戲‧大尾鱸鰻2‧神鬼認證‧舞力對決2‧MIB星際戰警3‧黑勢力‧公主與狩獵者‧心靈鑰匙‧火線反擊‧聖母峰‧白鯨傳奇‧地心冒險2 神秘島‧海底總動員‧江蕙 祝福‧藍光影片‧藍光電影‧
亞當芭蕾舞 Giselle 吉賽爾 Lunkina 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團
簡介 The Bolshoi Ballet troupe in Yuri Grigorovich's version of the romantic masterpiece Giselle, at last available in High-Definition. First performed in 1841, Giselle was an immediate hit. With music by Adolphe Adam and a libretto by Th+aophile Gautier and Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges, the ballet touches on the great romantic themes: local colour, a pastoral love affair doomed to end in tragedy, a plunge into fantasy and redemption through the power of love. Composer Adolphe Adam owes his reputation to this archetypal, richly melodic romantic ballet. As Giselle Svetlana Lunkina is simply sensational. Her Albrecht is the iconically noble dancer Dmitry Gudanov. And the cast is perfectly rounded off by Maria Allash as the Queen of the Wilis. |